I thought I would write about how to calm a crying baby because it was raised at my mother's group yesterday and I have been in the thick of it all morning. It helps that I know why Goo is crying - he had his vaccinations on Tuesday and has been grumpy for the last couple of days.
When you have a screaming baby in your midst, the stress hormones start coursing through you and the longer it goes on, the less likely you are able to rationally take the steps to calm your baby down.
Here are the things that I do to calm my baby down (some work, some don't at different times) and are in no particular order:
- Cuddles. I hold him with his head on my shoulder. This can take up to 30 minutes until he calms down, but he knows I've got a tight hold on him and won't let him go.
- Quiet time. If he is overstimulated (it's hard to judge this one but it usually I usually realise this once he is in hysterics). I will pop him in his cot with the mobile going and the lights low, and he can settle himself away from the din.
- Walking around. Babies like movement, so I have been known to do laps around the house. Popping him in the Baby Bjorn makes it a bit easier when your arms get tired.
- Get in the car. This is my trump card, it works nearly any time. Getting him into the car is a mission, but once I'm out of the driveway, I barely hear a peep.
- Someone else. Sometimes I get the feeling that Goo gets a bit sick of the sight, sound and smell of me, so sometimes I'll hand him to Papa and just the change can settle him a bit. Grandparents & Friends work equally well.
- Bath/Shower. It took a few weeks for my baby to really embrace the shower. He would only last a couple of minutes before he had had enough, and he prefers the shower to the bath. When he gets grumpy, the sensation of the water on his body gives him relief and joy.
- Infant's Friend. This is a great product which helps get the plumbing working. He did not poo yesterday, and was cranky as hell this morning, so I gave him some of this stuff. Within 15 minutes he was exploding on the change table! It's available from most chemists and is pretty harmless, you can use it from a very young age. I think I was using it before he was 2 weeks old.
- The dummy!! I am a big fan of the dummy, I try not to let him rely on it, and it doesn't work when he's absolutely hysterical, but once he's calmed down a lot it can help him fall asleep or something to focus on other than his misery.
Goo is nearly 9 weeks old now, and has hit his stride now, normally one of these tactics works and it doesn't take long for him to settle. But up until about 4-5 weeks old, he was miserable constantly, I believe he was frustrated because he couldn't focus his eyes and couldn't control his limb movements at all, and now that he has some control and is aware of his surroundings, he is much happier in himself.
The thing you have to always remember is that you will get through it, and to take one step at a time, and not rest on your laurels thinking you've got some pattern down, because once it all turns to shit you will be cursing. Babies are volatile and trying to make sense of the world, so you can't expect them to be habit forming.
Try everything!! Don't forget, if you're exhausted, put the baby somewhere safe like a cot or bassinet where they can't hurt themselves, close the door and walk away. To be a good parent, you have to put yourself first.
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